Margaret Shaw - Artwork - My Blog

Margaret Shaw

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© Margaret Shaw 2024

Margaret Shaw Artwork

This weeks arty activity.

Completed a drawing for the upcoming pencil workshop to show and enable practical application of the workshop techniques. This is my interpretation from an exercise I found in one of my reference books “ Art of Drawing Landscapes" by Sterling Publishing Company, New York. 

Started a painting of the first sloe blossom photographed this year.  I’ve played about with it in photoshop and like the effects I created there.  Sometimes wonder if I should simply print my photoshop creations?  As it stands pastel and pastel pencil on paper. 

Have put acrylic paint to canvas of a painting that has been bubbling in my mind for some time to create a painting in a poster style ( blocks of colour ) from one of my photos.  Couple of tweaks needed to the middle of the picture.  A debate in my head currently about continuing in my intended format or changing to my normal style as I like where this is going.

March 22nd 2024