Margaret Shaw - Exhibitions

I exhibit regularly throughout the North West of England.

I show my original artworks and limited edition artwork & photographic prints. 
I also have a small range of products I print from my artwork and photography - bookmarks and cards.

Here's where you'll my artwork and me. 

I have original artwork and prints in the
EVAN Gallery and Studios
4 Corney Square, Penrith, CA11 7PX.
Periodically I staff the gallery.
Open 10am - 4pm Monday - Saturday

Some of my locally inspired photography / artwork
(originals,prints cards and bookmarks) are in the
Kirkby Stephen Visitor Information Centre.
25% commission from any sales goes towards
the operation and upkeep the facility.
I may meet you in there when I'm doing a volunteer shift

I exhibit at the Art and Craft exhibition at
 Warcop Parish Hall 
on the May Day Bank Holiday each year
I usually deliver some arty activity for attendees

© 2024 Margaret Shaw

I participate in the Prom Art season. An art fair on:
The Promenade
Grange over Sands
Cumbria  LA11 6EH
 I'll be there for 2024 May - September events

I have original artwork and prints on show in the
White Hare Café
40 Market Street, Kirkby Stephen.

I participate at
  "Art in the Hills" 
in Dufton Village Hall
Annually in July
2024 saw me as a featured artist .