Margaret Shaw - Artwork & Photography

Welcome to my web site.  Here you'll find:

My artwork - each one my own creation and unique.
Inspired and developed from places I've been and things I've seen or experienced.   Then there are the ones that have some added imagination.

My photography - happens when a subject catches my attention whilst I'm wandering out and about.  A butterfly on sunlit flower, a castle against a dramatic sky or mountains mirrored in a lake.  The list is endless.

Sales Pages for:
original pieces of artwork.
limited edition prints of artwork.
limited photography prints.

Work in Progress pages for recent projects

I hope you enjoy your visit.  Feedback is always welcome.

Connect with me on social media from the links below:




Linked In

© 2024 Margaret Shaw

Island in the Bay
From the Landscape Gallery

Into the Bay
From the Landscape Gallery

Stones July 2024 added to the Stones Gallery